Karnataka Integrated and Sustainable Water Resources Management Investment Program

Urban Water and Sanitation Component

Project Introduction & Objectives


Development  of  water  auditing  and water  accounting  systems

Establishment  and  operationalisation  of  the Drinking Water Supply  Mission

Maximizing  the  role  of the  private  sector through performance  based management  contracts and  other PPP  arrangements

Increasing  capacity  for  urban  water planning and monitoring of quantity and quality at sub-basin level

Scope  of Work


Detailed poverty and social analysis, preparation of poverty reduction and social strategy action plan. Design of an inclusive sanitation program for project towns.

We arrived at above mentioned objectives and action plans through a detailed and intense data driven research which included affordability analysis, vulnerability analysis, wastewater discharge practices, sanitation practices, barriers to use of public toilets, willingness to pay for improved services, water quality, water sources, water/vector borne disease incidence, health expenditure, satisfaction with present level of service and other socio-economic reports.